Sharing is Winning

Welcome to another week in the High Noon providence :)

In our quest for sexual integrity, it's essential to recognize that we are not meant to go through life alone. The achievements we celebrate are often the result of the support and guidance we receive from others, but those get conveniently left out of the stories we tell about the legends we revere. Who was the coach that shaped the life of Wayne Gretzky (I was born in Canada…sorry), or the mentor that took Nelson Mandela under their wing to give him a model for empathy and courage. Our society loves to celebrate great people in isolation of all of the investment that went into becoming great in the first place.

This holds true not only in professional endeavors but also in our personal lives. When it comes to matters of sexual integrity, the importance of connection becomes even more evident. There are two sayings that the early members of High Noon took very seriously when forming this organization:

  1. Addiction is borne is isolation and dies in connection

  2. The opposite of addiction is connection

One of the common misconceptions about addiction is that it can be overcome through sheer willpower and grit. However, this approach misses a crucial aspect of our humanity – our need for connecting to others. We are inherently social beings, and our power lies in our ability to open our minds and hearts to let those we choose in for a while, letting them see everything that’s inside our very being. Attempting to conquer addiction in isolation not only places an immense burden on ourselves but also denies us the magical spark that occurs when we open ourselves up to communicating with high levels of transparency and vulnerability.

Today I was recording a podcast with Sammy, Carina, and Uncle Dave and it became apparent that by expressing our views and hearing the perspectives of others, we deepen our understanding about topics that we could never possibly comprehend at on our own. Our minds tend to go in circles until we hear opinions that either add to our understand or throw a wrench in our thinking altogether. This is so productive to our growth. Many times we hold onto junk concepts because we guard them from logic by not expressing them to people outside of our own heads.

Your dreams need to be shared, your fears need to experience the light of day by airing out in front of others.

So, please join High Noon in the practice of sharing your thoughts and feelings with the people in your life.

Share the good.

Share the bad.

Share the painful.

Share all that might fall in between.

That’s how we become free.

That’s how we start living in the High Noon light.

Have a splendid week everyone.


#185 - Sex Theology with Dr. Tyler Hendricks


#184 - Entitlement VS Responsibility