#117 -The Wisdom of Trauma with Carina Cunningham
In Episode 117, we are joined by Carina Cunningham, as she shares the explanation of addiction, according to Gabor Maté, how it is connected with trauma, as well as, the process of understanding the wisdom of trauma. She also talks about the difference between healthy attachment and unhealthy attachment among children and what is healthy attachment among adults.
#116 -Your Sexuality Impacts Humanity's Fate
In Episode 116, Andrew and Benjy talk about what impact our sexuality has on humanity's fate as well as how we can contribute to creating a better world. They also discuss how porn has a negative effect on our perceptions of sexuality, as well as how High Noon can help and be an essential piece of someone's recovery from porn addiction.
#110 -Sexuality and Islam with Dr. Drissa Kone
In Episode 110, we are joined by Dr. Drissa Kone, an experienced professor of Conflict Resolution and Ministry, who has been named as the Director of the Unification Theological Seminary’s Doctor of Ministry.