Talk With Your Kids About Sex! Here's How to Get Started
Traditionally, parents find that talking with children about sex is one of the most difficult things they have to do. Parents struggle to know what to say and when to say it. In today’s culture, it’s even more difficult because our children could be exposed to porn before we’ve even thought about discussing sex with them.
The Impact of Our Choices
On the journey towards sexual integrity and creating a life that is free from the shackles of destructive habits, it is extremely important that we become more aware of how our choices deeply impact those around us and the world at large.
How This Husband and Father Got Control of His Porn Addiction
After all the work I've done until now; installing Covenant Eyes, attending High Noon's program, confessing, I've gone without watching any porn for more than one year. During that time, there were moments of stress and times when I was all alone, but I've been able to manage my emotions until today.
What Every Parent Should Know About Porn
Internet porn is a lot more aggressive than magazine publications of the past. Not only is it available for free anywhere, all the time, regardless of age; but the porn industry actually targets youth. They know what all parents should know; “get them young and you’ve got them hooked”.
Giving Up Porn for My Future Marriage
Porn use for me was always linked with masturbation. The impact on my life was terrible. Growing up with a religious background where purity was cherished, I felt like trash after every session. The more and more I failed at trying to quit, the more and more helpless and defeated I felt. I was not in integrity with myself or my beliefs and because of that, I hated myself.
5 Ways to Support Your Partner's Porn Recovery
Marriage is such an intense relationship. We come into it with expectations based on all the influences of our family life and the culture we grew up in. Often we're not completely aware of how those influences have created emotional patterns and habits. Add to that the differences between men and women and you've got the set up for misunderstanding and conflict.
How I Broke Free From Porn—NOT Alone
What made the difference for me was that I was surrounded by others who wanted the same things I wanted. We all wanted to overcome this struggle and were serious about being intentional through the course. Being surrounded by others who are being intentional in their actions and are supportive is the best way to overcome any challenge.
9 Ways to Support a Friend Through Porn Recovery
Would you like to help a friend who’s struggling, but you don’t know how? Sometimes it’s hard to know what to say. That’s why John Williams has put together this short presentation.
What is Sexual Integrity?
A popular answer is, “When a person’s words and actions align.” You can even go a layer deeper and say, “When a person’s thoughts and actions align.”
Being Open About My Struggle Helped Me Quit Porn for Good
I started using pornography when I was 15 years old. Because of pornography, I had a lot of problems, but the biggest problem for me was the fact I couldn't talk and pray to God honestly. Every time I prayed, I felt so ashamed.
Testimony: Freedom Through Telling My Parents the Truth
A letter that we received from a young man after we gave a presentation on the effects of pornography at the Global Top Gun Youth workshop in 2018.
Get Skilled at Heavenly Lovemaking
Part of recovery from a porn habit is to gain a better understanding of a healthy sexual relationship. However, if you’re single it’s best to think as little about sex as possible while you’re recovering from a porn habit. Married couples should do some research on the subject of lovemaking.
Expect Porn Recovery to Be a Lifestyle
People who lose weight and keep it off say that temporary diets don’t work. They had to set up a new way of life, full of new routines, new pleasures and new preferences. Sometimes even making new friends and associates is necessary if you really want to change your life.
Two Becoming One Isn't Just About Sex
Spouses are not independent beings sharing a living space. If there’s something on your mind, your spouse will know. Even if you walk in the door with a smile, if you’re feeling troubled or upset, your spouse will pick up on this. You don’t just share a bed and body parts, sexual intimacy creates an emotional sensitivity to each other.
Connection Will Decrease Desire for Porn
Loneliness is a common trigger for porn use, but a porn habit can also cause you to disconnect from the people who love you the most. So, it’s a vicious cycle, after the temporary comfort porn gives, you’ll end up feeling lonelier in the long run.
Sexual Integrity Applied in a Disintegrating World
The term "Sexual Integrity" sounds good, noble and upright. But many psychologists, often thinking in fuzzy terms, equate integrity only with individualistic values and honesty. They'll tell you that you have sexual integrity as long as you're being honest about your sexual likes and dislikes.
Spouse Support from High Noon
If you're married or engaged and you discover that your partner views porn, it can be a shock. It can throw you off balance and make you question your relationship. In some cases, if your spouse has been lying and hiding a secret habit, it can be devastating. But you're not alone, and there's help.
Protecting Purity in a Hypersexualized Culture
Internet software is helpful in protecting children from early exposure to porn, but it's not foolproof. A school friend may have porn on their smartphone or tablet. Kid's can easily access porn on TV, Netflix, and in the local library as well as their school library.
Your Future Starts Today
What would compel you to be committed to a cause? Well, the cause is you—your life. How will you reach your goals and fulfill your dreams? You can find your strongest motivation by envisioning your future.
Boundaries Help You Create a Standard for Yourself
Let's face it—the people you spend time with have an impact on your life. It's important to set boundaries because anyone can be influenced, no matter how independent you are.