
Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#144 - Meta Connected Sex with M.G. Tomasini, MD

In this episode, we are joined by M.G. Tomasini, MD, author of Meta-Connected Sex: The Moral Case For the Power of the Brain's Chemistry and Connectivity for Sex. She devoted her life to understanding more about the science of human love, relationships, talents, creativity, and sexuality as they relate to worldwide success, happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#143 - Bringing Children Into The World

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the role that a husband plays in the birth of his child, as well as the support that he provides to his wife during her most difficult times, such as giving birth. They also discuss how important it is to deal with our emotions and deal with our sexual integrity while we are single.

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#140 - Intolerant vs Allergic to Porn

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the difference between being intolerant of porn and being allergic to it, the reasons why less porn leads to more porn, as well as how our small decisions can have a big impact on our lives. They also discuss the High Noon programs that can help us with our struggles, such as porn addiction to porn.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#139 - The Path to Become a True High Nooner

In this episode, Andrew talks about High Noon seeking to connect and engage with their audiences or listeners worldwide by creating a group called 1000 True Tribe members of High Noon and encouraging people to share their content with those who need it in order to create a great impact in their lives and inspire them to help others as well.

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#138 - How I Quit Porn So That I Can Have More Focus & Energy

In this episode, Benjy talks about the most significant things we can impart to our children, his own personal journey to overcome porn and how he was able to mend his sexual relationship with his wife. He shares to us the growth equation, which enabled him to let go of beliefs that were detrimental to his growth, as well as how we can optimize the growth equation in our own lives to overcome our personal struggles such as porn addiction.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#137 - Eroding Values + Sexuality

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the significance of having values that are aligned with the kind of person we want to become, why is it important to understand them, as well as how social media is undermining our values. They also talk about the risks of excessive consumption of social media and the need of taking a break from it in order to break unhealthy habits.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#134 - How to Keep Moving When You Feel Stuck

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about how to keep moving forward, the steps we should take to get out of feeling stuck without going back to where we came from, and what we should do with the framework of greatness we already have. They also discuss how important it is, to be honest, why our journey to sexual integrity should be enjoyable, as well as why we shouldn't be afraid to try new things.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#133 - Your Relationship With Your Sexual Organ

In this episode, we are joined by our special guest, Carina Cunningham, as we talk about the value of our sexual organs, the importance of building a healthy relationship with our sexual organs, as well as the habits we should avoid that can devalue our sexuality. We also discuss sensuality, which comes from the book Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing By Jay Stringer.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#132 - Owner VS Renter Of Your Sexuality

In this episode, Andrew, Benjy, and special guest Eric talk about what it means to be an owner and a renter, as well as how to fully own and take control of our sexuality. They discuss different analogies of what ownership means and how we can use those definitions to apply them to why we should take control of our sexuality.

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#131 - Shay Ryan Douglas, Star of Netflix Documentary About Hookup Culture

In this episode, we are joined by Shay Ryan Douglas, the star of  Netflix documentaries Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution and Liberated: After Spring Break. Shay motivates his listeners to live life to the fullest and pursue their greatest aspirations. His stories, which he draws on from his own life experiences, let people see things from new angles and gain confidence, motivating them to do their best.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#130 - Getting Out Of Your Head

In this episode, Andrew talks about why we shouldn’t get trapped in our own heads, the healthy things we should engage in to re-establish connections with other areas of our lives, as well as the importance of constantly growing emotionally and spiritually. He also discusses why it's important to limit our usage of technology and social media.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#129 - How 'Turn-Ons' Can Be Customized

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about the value of emotional self-awareness, the reasons we shouldn't conflate our emotions with sexuality, and how to make our lives significant and purposeful without turning to porn for fulfillment. They also discuss how "turn-ons" can be customized, the significance of commitment to a long-term relationship, and the negative impact of social media's so-called beauty standards.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#128 - Letting Your Old Self Die

In this episode, Andrew and Benjy talk about why it's important to let go of our old selves and the benefits of doing so in terms of restoring and seeing a different version of ourselves. They also discuss why we shouldn't be afraid to face our biggest fears, especially if we do it with a community that can help us with our identity transformation, such as the High Noon community.

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Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon Podcasts, Podcast, HN Families, HN Couples High Noon

#127 - The 3 Stages of Self-Awareness In Porn Recovery

In this episode, Andrew discusses what the three stages of self-awareness in porn recovery are and how they can help a lot of individuals break free from the addiction. He also talks about how self-awareness can help YOU in overcoming your porn addiction, as well as how our decisions play a role in letting habits into our lives.

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