[VIDEO] How Pornography Affects the Blessing | Debby Gullery
Marriage Educator Debby Gullery shares about the implications of pornography on marriage and the Blessing.
[VIDEO] Francis's Journey: Overcoming Pornography Through Connecting With a Group
Francis shares his powerful journey of gaining sexual integrity and overcoming porn by joining the Ascend program.
[VIDEO] Slip vs Fall: Bouncing Back From a Relapse
Don't let a temporary setback get you down! Here's how to bounce back stronger.
How to Help Your Children Protect Themselves from Porn
You can build a wall, but the enemy will find a way over or under it. Pornography is the enemy of childhood and it’s targeting all children. So the best way to protect your child is to teach him/her self-defense.
[VIDEO] Fight The New Drug at the High Noon Summit
Clay Olsen, Founder of Fight The New Drug, speaks with his whole heart about pornography at the High Noon Summit.
Gain Self-Control By Understanding Your Emotions
Change can be difficult. We're constantly sabotaged by powerful feelings that send us running back to our habits. Habits feel safe and comforting, completely the opposite of the feelings that we're running from.
Media Messages - What's In An Image?
If photography and video didn't exist, would you have the same type of images in your mind? You would still have mental images, but where would those pictures come from, and what would they look like?
Connect With People Who've Had Success
With perseverance and support, many people have overcome their unwanted sexual habits and built productive lives and beautiful families. It's important to hear such stories and keep them in mind to stay motivated, especially as you go through difficult times.
Accountability Allies are Key to Success
A key to success in life is to know your strengths and weaknesses. Business partnerships, friendships, and marriages all benefit when strengths and weaknesses are balanced, and there's someone else to be accountable to. Basically, we need the support of others to achieve our goals.
How To Talk To Someone About Their Porn Habit
Anyone supporting another through recovery should strive to take the role of an encourager. You can acknowledge that change is difficult, but express confidence in the person’s ability to begin again.