#55 - The Kingdom of Heaven(ly Sex) on Earth
Whether it be video games, the movies, and all the shows that we binge-watch on various streaming channels, sex has been the selling point. However, the unhealthy presentation of sex in these various media often causes an imbalance that, if not corrected early on, will reap all sorts of problems and challenges for an individual within and outside a committed relationship.
#54 - Freedom = Responsibility
Do you ever wonder if we deserve the level of freedom we enjoy? With all that’s been going on in the world, with society and culture being influential in how we make use of the freedom that’s available to us, there’s always that risk of abusing that very same freedom.
#53 - Lasting Love, Good Sex, and True Parenthood | Maarten Meijer
True Parenthood is the focus of this week’s episode, as guest Maarten Meijir, educator and author of the book People Who Choose the Unification Church, shares about what lasting love is and should be.
#52 - How to NOT Destroy Your Marriage
Another stimulating episode as Andrew and Sammy talk about how important it is to have accountability and fidelity in your marriage. Based on a high-profile story of a pastor from a megachurch whose affair led to his dismissal from the ministry and his marriage and family life almost crumbling.
#51 - Formula for JOY
In this episode, Andrew and Sammy take us into the concept of having a basic formula to minimize stress, anxiety, and fear in pursuit of having more room for genuine joy, fulfillment, and wholeness.
#50 - Family Planning Adventures
In this episode, the High Noon Crew talks about family planning and contraception, which leaves most people with a lot of confusion and misconception. Even more, unmarried couples rarely consider this issue before they profess their love and say their “I Do’s”.
#35 - Harmonized Sexuality | Philip Schanker
Our guest speaker, Philip David Schanker, guides us to better understand the concept of human sexuality and sexual orientation.
#23 - How to Have A Great Sex Life | Sunny & Sunmarie Burns
This all-star episode introduces Sunny and Sunmarie Burns: two people who have an amazing love story that leans toward the realistic without losing the romantic.
#16 - Showing Up For The Test
Sammy Uyama discusses how to prepare well for your big day so you can stand before your spouse when the time is right with clarity and confidence that your future is going to be amazing!!